Sea Ranch Golf Links
Hole 15
Par: 4
Black: 380
Blue: 356
White: 338
Red: 307
Men: 14
Women: 10
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Hole 15 Discussion

Note: the official course guide has an error. The distances from the tee are inaccurate on the official image.

The 15th is a more straight-forward par 4. The tee shot plays up to a ridge with out-of-bounds on the left and red stakes on the right, so control off the tee shouldn’t be ignored. There is a large fairway bunker on the right side and longer drives should be able to carry it, which adds risk-reward to club selection.

The green is guarded by bunkers short-left and along the right side. In addition, running off the back of the green is also a real danger, so having a preferred approach will be rewarded.

Avoid the right waste bunker, there are arms on the right side of the bunker that reach out 10-15 yards, so stay left. A bunker on the left side guards the approach to the green.