North Shore Golf Course
Hole 5
Par: 5
Black: 555
White: 506
Blue: 502
Red: 360
Orange: 250
HCP: 3
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Hole 5 Discussion

Hole 5 is North Shore's longest, but it plays fairly simple. The hole is straight, and the fairway is wide and flat. There is a creek in front of the back three tees, but it will almost never come into play on a solid tee shot. Laying up to the pond immediately before the green is good practice as there is relatively little open space surrounding the green, which is guarded on the right by a bunker.

The green is two-tiered with the lower tier on the right hand side. The upper tier has a steep slope on its front-facing edge, which can carry overhit or offline putts off the green and into a location that's tricky to chip from.