The Kittansett Club, appropriately named from two Native American words meaning “near the sea,” is situated in the town of Marion at the end of Butler Point, which extends into Buzzards Bay. Originally, it was the Native Americans who led the Plymouth settlers and their cattle to the warmer winter pastures on these shores.
An 18-hole golf course became a possibility when in the early 1920’s a group of residents bought the land on Butler’s Point, which until that time had been occupied solely by the Beverly Yacht Club. On this peninsula could be seen the possibilities of a different type of course than most in this country at that time, and one that might have the character of the famous sea-side courses of Great Britain. The project was soon undertaken by a group of local golf enthusiasts, many who gave generously of their time and financial resources to support the construction of Kittansett.
Via Kittansett Club
Women: 79.1 / 145