Chardonnay Golf Club
Hole 12
Par: 3
Sovereign: 206
Imperial: 171
Double Magnum: 147
Magnum: 130
Bottle: 113
Men: 8
Ladies: 12
The Shoot
Hole 12 Discussion

The Shoot is a mid-length par 3 with a narrow gap and a wild green. The shot must clear the creek on the way to the hole, but trees block some of the angles. It's possible to hit over the trees from some distances, but longer shots will be more challenging. There are two bunkers right that are extremely dangerous to play from and leave players pitching out onto down-slopes. However, playing left can be even more disastrous as the green strongly runs toward the creek in some areas. The bailout shot is to the apron, but many pins will be tough to reach from there. Getting close to the pin here is everything.