Maryland National Golf Club
Hole 13
Par: 5
Black: 539
Gold: 521
White: 480
Green: 449
Red: 394
Men: 5
Ladies: 1
Sand in play
OB in play
Hole 13 Discussion

The powerslot on the fairway is down the left side which will give you an extra 20-30 yards of roll - however this is the aggressive line as it flirts with the OB. Missing right will not hurt you as long as you stay inside of the two trees that slit 13 and 15. Green is uphill, and 1 club+. Much better to layup to the upper fairway and chip up.

Green has large ridge that separates the two tiers and can be used as a backstop for front hole locations. Missing the green, anywhere but short, leaves a touchy chip.