Lake Chabot Golf Course
Hole 1
Par: 4
Blue: 374
White: 362
Red: 384
Men: 1
Women: 3
Hole 1 Discussion

Right out of the car, Lake Chabot smacks you in the face with her #1 handicap hole. Although rather unthreatening in length, the hole’s teeth really show when you look closer; an uneven fairway, cresting a hill, and a plummet down into a gulch that slopes severely left to right towards a hazardous tree line on the right.

A soft driver or strong 3 wood will give you all you need to reach the landing zone (a firm 200 yards from white tees). No need to let 'er rip here, as an over-drive will give you an awkward down-hill lie. Everything to the right is OB and into the driving range. Don't slice.

Although there are white stakes behind the green, do not be shy with your approach shot. Everything seems to fall short here, and the green is likely more elevated than your ball placement of your second shot.

Green is medium-large and fairly straight forward with a back to front slope.