Chardonnay Golf Club
Hole 2
Par: 4
Sovereign: 439
Imperial: 422
Double Magnum: 406
Magnum: 390
Bottle: 310
Men: 5
Ladies: 9
Sand in play
Hole 2 Discussion

Brut is a strong risk-reward hole. The dogleg forces players to choose how aggressive they well be in trying to get an easier approach to the well guarded green. However, a bunker on the left punishes anyone who gets too greedy. The approach leaves two large bunkers on both sides of the front of the green.

An aggressive tee shot, however, will be rewarded at the green. The back of the green slopes away from players, so any pin placement there will require a higher shot to hold the green.

Note: there used to be a second fairway bunker on the right, but it appears to have been removed.