Chardonnay Golf Club
Hole 15
Par: 5
Sovereign: 569
Imperial: 542
Double Magnum: 519
Magnum: 504
Bottle: 422
Men: 4
Ladies: 2
Hole 15 Discussion

Brix is a reachable, but dangerous par 5. To get there in two players much clear a large fairway bunker on their tee shot, and then clear a creek on their approach. The tee shot plays downhill, often with wind at the back. The long bunker allows players to take their choice of risk in how much they want to try to shorten the hole. The safest tee shot is to play left and then finish the hole as a true par 5. The more daring approach is to play straight over the bunker, and leave a shot over the creek with a safe landing zone short of the green. These shots are not without risk, but they are doable for many players.

The green is multi-tiered, and complex. Once on the green players should take care to get it down in two putts.