Dorking Golf Club
Hole 5
Par: 4
White (Out): 263
Yellow (In): 275
Red (Out): 227
Blue (In): 227
White/Red: 11
Yellow: 12
Blue: 16
Tom's Puddle
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Hole 5 Discussion

The drive here is most important. A poorly hit shot will find plenty of trouble about 100 yards from the tee where there is a road and a hedge with a ditch just beyond it. That is not all, for there is also a small reedy pond known as “Tom’s Puddle” just over the road. Once these hazards have been safely negotiated the fairway slopes round to the left and an accurate shot is required to find the green, which is guarded in front by a large cross bunker. Long hitters may be tempted to drive over some trees on the left to cut the corner to the green, but this is best left to the experts.

Via Dorking GC